The ARRB G3 Walking Profiler reads the pavement profile, indicating the International Roughness Index (IRI), texture MPD (optionally), and distance.
Unlike previous versions, the new WP uses a 3-axis accelerometer mounted on a rolling platform, which allows the measurement of the pavement longitudinal profile. This platform is independent of the car, which means that it is less susceptible to the operator effect.
Data is collected at variable speeds up to 5km/h, and its aquisition is controlled by an Android tablet. Results are shown on-screen in real time, allowing on-site decision making. Data can be downloaded either to the cloud via a Wi-Fi connection or downloaded to a USB storage device.
During the week of May 29th to June 2nd, we would have a test profile for a demonstration inside our facilities, which you can request by contacting us to arrange a visit beforehand.